We offer service, reconstruction and modernization of bridge cranes, gantry cranes, jib cranes and light crane systems. Regular maintenance of cranes is crucial to avoid unexpected downtime and costly repairs.
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We are authorized to issue revision protocols according to decree 56/2008 Z.z. We offer professional inspection and professional testing of industrial cranes also revision of lifting straps, round slings and fastening belts. You can prevent possible dangerous situations by thorough revisions.
Read more about crane revision…

In case You are interested in our services, contact us and we will be happy to help you!
What does our offer execution progression look like?
Working out the offer
According to Your request and after a visit in Your facility, together we work out a draft for the questioned product. After verifying the base data we create a price offer. Additional questions and conditions get sorted, after that the deal will be sealed.
Creating the blueprints
According to the gathered base data we create the blueprints for the construction of the equipment relative to Your requirements, conditions and needs. For construction we use the most advanced technologies and devices to maximize the quality of our solutions.
Crane manufacturing
Successful production we achieve using technological preparations, securing suitable supplies and sub delivery systems, and mainly applying highly qualified technicians.
Installation and testing
According to valid regulations about crane installation, we perform the installation and testing of the new equipment. After the warranty period we offer after-warranty servicing.