Choosing the right supplier of precision industrial cranes that deliver high value – but require a significant investment – is not easy. In this article, we’ve highlighted a few reasons why we think we’re the right choice. We believe that our successful projects and satisfied customers are the best proof of our capabilities.


Montáž kladkostroja technikom BGB


We have over 11 years of experience in the industrial crane and hoisting equipment industry. We deliver turnkey industrial cranes without having to fit out anything on your part. Our service portfolio includes complete design, manufacture, supply, installation, testing, inspection and servicing of lifting equipment and industrial cranes. We have handled hundreds of orders for hoists, spare parts and have supplied numerous cranes and lifting equipment for our Clients.


Expertise and reliability

Our team has many years of experience in servicing and upgrading industrial cranes from various manufacturers, even in demanding working conditions. We have already supplied cranes to companies operating in various industries such as metalworking, construction industry, food industry, etc.

Our company is authorized by the Technical Inspection of the Slovak Republic to carry out professional inspections, tests, maintenance, reconstruction and service of lifting equipment.


As standard, we supply the cranes with hoists from long-term German partner SWF Krantechnik. The company, with a history of over 100 years, manufactures a complete range of lifting equipment. SWF Krantechnik’s hoists and vehicles are some of the best and most modern equipment for precision lifting and moving loads. We can also source hoists and spare parts from other manufacturers as required. As a radio remote control system, as standard we use a system from the Italian company Autec. Our partnerships guarantee us an accurate supply of original spare parts and fast technical support.



We take the individual wishes and needs of our Clients seriously and therefore adapt every single device to their needs. We strive to ensure the best value for your investment. Industrial cranes most often have to be realized with highly specific characteristics to individual work processes. That is why we make every effort to communicate with our Clients throughout the entire quotation process and contract implementation.

Support and availability

You can contact us even after the warranty period of your equipment. Post-warranty service and the supply of original spare parts for lifting equipment is a central part of our service. We respond promptly to your requests and enquiries without undue delay. We keep our clients informed of the status of quotation, production and delivery throughout the process. We will alert you to the need for inspections and official tests in due course and carry them out as required.


Konzultácia s klientom BGB Solutions

Customer satisfaction

Hundreds of our Clients can testify about our services and products. We have been chosen by both domestic and international companies. Several clients have also expressed their trust in us through service contracts. For these clients we consistently perform service interventions, supply spare parts, and handle all lifting equipment related issues. You can see our testimonials on our main page or read the reviews we have received on Google listed below:


Jozef Cizmar
Jozef Cizmar
Super komunikácia - kvalitná dodávka
Aleš Martinek
Aleš Martinek
I když firma "oficiálně" neposílá svoje zboží do ČR, po krátké ale efektivní komunikaci a zaplacení zálohy mi zboží poslali do ČR. Do 4dnů jsem měl zboží v pořádku u sebe. Obchodovat s touto firmou vřele doporučuji!
Mariusz Wels
Mariusz Wels
Cooperation with this company is professional. Exactly what is required for ! ;)
Dávid Balog
Dávid Balog
Chcel by som vyjadriť svoju maximálnu spokojnosť s firmou BGB Solutions, ktorá je vynikajúcim výrobcom žeriavov. Mám s nimi dlhodobé pozitívne skúsenosti, a to nielen v oblasti výroby, ale aj servisu a inštalácie. V priebehu našej spolupráce nám BGB Solutions poskytovali servisné zásahy, inštalácie, montáž a demontáž. Každý zásah bol vykonaný profesionálne a efektívne. Naša komunikácia bola vždy jasná, efektívna a promptná, čo výrazne uľahčilo plánovanie a realizáciu projektov. Čo sa týka samotných výrobkov, tie sú kvalitné a spoľahlivé. Na základe mojich skúseností môžem firmu BGB Solutions jednoznačne odporučiť každému, kto hľadá kvalitného a spoľahlivého výrobcu žeriavov. Ich profesionálny prístup a vysoká úroveň poskytovaných služieb robia z BGB Solutions partnera, na ktorého sa môžete vždy spoľahnúť. Dávid Balog Schindler Dunajská Streda, a.s.
Sos Dezider
Sos Dezider
Dôkladná pozornosť venovaná detailom. Profesionálny prístup a prvotriedné služby pri revízii a údržbe našich žeriavov. Odporúčam.
Patrik Hajko
Patrik Hajko
S BGB Solutions sme mali možnosť spolupracovať a ich profesionalita, ako aj ochota prispôsobiť sa požiadavkám zákazníka, nás hlboko oslovila. Doporučujeme BGB Solutions ako dôveryhodného a kompetentného partnera vo svete zdvíhacej techniky.
Jozef Wagner
Jozef Wagner
Ďakujeme za spoluprácu, želáme si viacej takých obchodných partnerov , akými bola Vaša firma.
I have stunning experience with BGB Solution which is supplying jib crane and many kind of hoist. All workers have supportive mind and also kindness. Indeed, i thought worker of BGB Solution have tough time bec it is not just installtion the crane. We asked lots of documents and requirement but they never lose smile. And also they have strong maintenence support. I surely contact to BGB when our next project will begin. I stronly recommend this company.


In case You are interested in our services or products, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you!

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